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Download All TOPIK Tests PDF +Answer +Audio (update 2019 tests)

TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean - 한국어능력시험) is a language test designed to measure the ability of non-native speakers for expression and comprehension in the Korean language.

From July 2014 (the 35th TOPIK test), the TOPIK test structure has changed from 3 tests to 2 tests (TOPIK I and TOPIK II). For more details, visit: Complete TOPIK Guide 2019

Since then, all TOPIK tests are not shared publicly anymore, but only 1 test/year is shared. The most recent shared TOPIK tests are listed as follows:

In 2019 - the 66th TOPIK test (unofficial release)
In 2019 - the 63rd TOPIK test (unofficial release)
In 2018 - the 60th TOPIK test (official release)
In 2017 - the 52nd TOPIK test (official release)
In 2016 - the 47th TOPIK test (official release)
In 2015 - the 41st TOPIK test (official release)
In 2014 - the 37th TOPIK test (official release)
In 2014 - the 35th TOPIK test (official release)

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