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Sejong Korean 0-8 PDF+Audio (세종한국어)

Sejong Korean (in Korean: 세종한국어) is Korean language textbook series for Korean learners written by King Sejong Institute, a national brand of Korean language and culture. There are currently over 160 Sejeong hakdang offices in 56 countries over the world.

The book series cover all four aspects of Korean communication methods including speaking, listening, reading and writing.

The book series is divided into 9 volumes for all levels from beginner to advanced learners.

  • Sejong Korean elementary (세종한국어 입문): a textbook that makes easy and fun to learn Hangul vowels and consonants and various elementary Korean expressions
  • Sejong Korean 1-8 (세종한국어): comprehensive Korean textbooks for learners wish to improve their communication skills

Sejong Korean are free of charge and can be accessed online at the official site, but you must sign up in order to access the ebooks.

You may get a free copy at: Sejong Korean Textbook PDF+Audio

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